
Friday, January 28, 2011

New Church for New York City

Watch a short video about a new church for New York City, which is set to begin meeting this year!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Support Update

Based on firm commitments, we have about 12% of our monthly support raised. This amount could go up to 30%, 40%, or more, based on pending requests.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

10,000: A Number That Matters

I am the last person to think that you can measure the success of a church by the number of people in attendance -- who would think a church was doing great things if it merely stole the members from every other church in its region in order to grow large?

Yet I also know that in the Northeast church leaders have struggled for decades without the numbers to show for it, and therefore when larger numbers of people become involved in church in this region, it really means something.

That is why it is significant that last Easter Sunday there were nearly 10,000 people in attendance in churches started by Orchard Group in the Northeast over the past two decades.

While it is not about the numbers, that is one number I know from experience really means something significant.

Friday, January 14, 2011

More About Greg's Specific Job

My role is needed now because so many new churches are being started that the President needs to hand off many of his duties to me so that he can focus on recruiting new leaders, raising up new partners and setting new direction for Orchard Group.

I am now the primary contact person for Orchard Group's new church plant staff teams (which as of now includes teams in New York City, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Annapolis, Allentown, Baltimore, Salt Lake City, Phoenix, and Ventura) for their administrative, operational, financial, corporate and legal issues. This begins from the very beginning planning stages of each new church, and goes forward through their launch as a new church, and on to the point where they are completely self-supporting financially and have established an internal eldership.

For the organization itself, I oversee the daily operations, which includes oversight of our business manager staff person.

I also will be representing Orchard Group (speaking, fundraising, etc.) at churches, colleges, and conventions.

Other areas in which I will become increasingly involved include promotional issues (website, social media, publications), urban ministry classes offered in conjunction with Ozark Christian College and other Bible colleges, and preaching in area churches as needed.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Gathering of Church Planters

Greg and Rebekah just returned from a great gathering with many of our church planters and their spouses. Church plants were represented from New York City, upstate New York, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania and our projects outside the Northeast (Salt Lake City and Phoenix). It is absolutely amazing what God is doing through these talented leaders. We planned for, hoped for, and prayed for all of this back in the 1990s. For me to see that it is now happening is just amazing. Yet much more needs to be done. Toward that we shall strive.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Why New York Matters

A good summary of the significance of New York City, and its surrounding region, is contained in this Wikipedia article.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Urban Salt Lake City Project

I've been on the phone today with a church planting team in urban Salt Lake City, Utah. A group of house churches have now begun meeting together for a larger worship event right in the urban core of of Salt Lake City. Fascinating kingdom things happening directly in the shadow of the headquarters of the Mormon Church! Orchard Group is helping with this vitally important project even though it is outside of our traditional target region.